MODERATE Fire Danger for April 11 & 12

How to keep your property safe from wildfire:





Fire and Life Safety Site Plan Submittal

Fire and Life Safety Site Plan

The West Metro Fire Protection District requires a ‘Fire & Life Safety Site Plan’ be submitted as a part of the development review process through the appropriate city or county.  The purpose of this site plan is to consolidate all the information relevant to a fire department review into one location limiting the need to cross reference multiple drawings, specialties, and/or trades. The plan must be neat, clear and legible.  Inaccurate, incomplete, or poorly drawn plans may be rejected.  The size of the plan sheet shall match the size requirements established by the municipality through whom the development application is being submitted. For complex projects, use additional pages as needed if legibility is questionable.  West Metro Fire Protection District approval will be granted through the development referral process once the Fire & Life Safety Site Plan is submitted, reviewed, and approved.


Click this LINK to submit by email for a courtesy Life Safety Site Plan Review



The Fire & Life Safety Site Plan shall include the following notes regarding construction, permitting, and inspections (please copy and paste):



  1. Access during construction shall comply with IFC Chapter 33 and NFPA Standard 241. 
  2. When fire apparatus access roads or water supply for fire protection is required to be installed, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternative methods of protection are provided.
  3. Vehicle access shall be provided by either temporary or permanent roads capable of supporting vehicle loading under all weather conditions.  Vehicle access shall be maintained until permanent fire apparatus access roads are available.  West Metro Fire Rescue requires a first lift asphalt on the approved access road prior to above ground construction.
  4. As amended, fire department access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet of width at all times.
  5. The fire apparatus access road shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Signs prohibiting parking or obstructing the designated access road(s) shall be posted conspicuously throughout.
  6. Temporary street signs shall be posted conspicuously throughout the build site and premises identification (Unit addressing) shall be posted conspicuously on each individual unit.
  7. Gates may be chained/ locked to prohibit access when work is not being conducted on the site.
  8. Gate width shall provide 20’ of clear space. Vertical clearance shall not be less than 13 feet 6 inches.
  9. Vehicle access shall be provided to within 100 feet of temporary or permanent fire department connections.
  10. An approved water supply for fire protection, either temporary or permanent, shall be made available prior to the delivery of any combustible construction materials.
  11. Prior to requesting a final building inspection, the following site elements must be installed and available for inspection:
    1. Final landscaping in the vicinity of all fire protection features (FDC, fire hydrants, etc.)
    2. Required fire lane markings and signage
    3. Building address, monument signs, street signs, and all other wayfinding elements.
    4. Gates, fences, and other barriers that may obstruct building access
    5. Bollards and other exterior protection devices.
    6. Knox box or Knox key access features (gate access etc.)


The approved Fire & Life Safety Site Plan shall be a part of the construction documents submitted for any new building or building addition permit.  An application for construction will be rejected if the associated approved Fire & Life Safety Site Plan is not incorporated into the plan set.